Specularization, Mímesis and Simulacrum of the Feminine in the Rethoric of Onetti's El Pozo and Juntacadáveres



Based on Irigaray, I propose a methodological articulation to analyze which are the rhetorical configurations capable of constructing the woman as a mirror to masculine desire in El pozo and Juntacadáveres by Onetti. First, I claim that in both novels the spatial configuration and the use of metonymy and synecdoche produce a nullification of feminine singularities that transforms them into a unique object of desire. Then, I explain that the specularization, at the same time, exhibits the failure of masculine characters to fulfill the model of masculinity projected by the Onettian phalocentrism. Finally, in relation to Juntacadáveres, I argue that the parody simulacrum undertaken by Julita and the “Action girls”, in her appropriation of mimesis, turns her body into a space of resistance and constant transformation that deconstructs gender roles partially.


Desire, Falogocentrism, Gender, Irigaray, Onetti


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