From Orfeo to the maenads: towards a nomadic videopoetry in Margarita Becerra Cano's there is no forgetting



As a contribution to the study of video poetry produced by women, one of the first video poems ever produced in the Americas will be analyzed and discussed. In this work, the artist is committed to a decided and rhizomatic deterritorialization of the written poem, proposing an audiovisual creation that irreverently tears apart the figure of the authority of the male poet. Becerra Cano uses various types of translations to video-graphically trace a hybrid spacetime of potential nomadic and poetic creation, responding to the contemporary cultural and technological context with historical gender and colonial implications.


video poetry, détournement, gender, translation, transmediality

Author Biography

Juan Carlos Guerrero-Hernández, Investigador independiente; Kalamazoo College

Profesor visitante del Kalamazoo College


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