A gatekeeper of gatekeepers. Peter Weidhaas and Latin America



The article explores the social and professional trajectory of Peter Weidhaas, director of the Frankfurt Book Fair between 1975 and 2000. A typical exponent of the German ‘68 generation, in his formative years he began his career in the world of books and in a long globetrotting journey he made Latin America an affective and existential mediation. Under his direction, the Frankfurt Book Fair boosted multiple strategies of professionalisation, a dimension that still guarantees the global primacy of this event. But it also channelled bibliodiversity policies, such as the dynamics of the focal themes at the Fair and the participation in societies promoting Third World literatures. The genesis of these actions goes back to the 1976 fair that celebrated Latin American literature. As a front-line agent for the evolution of intermediation practices in the publishing world, Peter Weidhaas can be thought of as a gatekeeper of gatekeepers, who operated with singular effectiveness for the global dissemination of our continent’s culture. As we shall see, in this story, affections are the basis of an undisputed professionalism.


publishing, cultural mediation, Peter Weidhaas, Frankfurt Book Fair, Latin America


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