Spatial arquetipes and atmospheres in Aura by Carlos Fuentes



Despite the abundance of critical literature on the novel Aura by Carlos Fuentes, the text defends the possibility of a new reading of the work with an analysis focused on the spaces in which the plot takes place as well as its internal structure. The underlying idea behind the work is that the richness of the text rests on the simultaneity between the detailed description of physical sensations and the fantasy unfolded (the spiritual arising from the material). Based on the study of sensations in the space described by the author, an interpretation of the house is proposed as a set of atmospheres and superimposed spatial archetypes, where the nucleus is capable to being perceived as a pre-Hispanic teocalli, dominated by a deity that is Consuelo-Coatlicue, an element charged with a meaning that is both feminist and ecological.


space and literature, archetypes, atmospheres, Carlos Fuentes, Aura