“Meu tío iauaretê” relates a story about a human which turns into an animal. This transformation shows an identity crossover between Nature, Culture, Language and Politics. Based on this, we propose a reading which consists in deconstruct the human state in front of the animal. The consequences of this transformation changes language, politics and make a new sense of community. Becoming animal in this reading defies the Biopolitics as the set of rules over life. As results of this challenge this situation proposes a Cosmopolitical relationship (Viveiros de Castro, Metafísicas caníbales) between different living beings through the alliance, which resists the anthropogenic machine.
Román, N. (2021). Beyond human and animal: a cosmopolitic reading of “Meu tio iauaretê” (1969). Revista Chilena De Literatura, (103), pp. 653–675. Retrieved from https://revistaliteratura.uchile.cl/index.php/RCL/article/view/64009
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