The present article proposes a critical lecture of Procesos autónomos, by Manuel Fernández, following three guiding lines: the notion of autonomy in the light of some episodes of Peruvian history and society projects envisaged from nonhegemonic segments, the rewriting dynamics that operate in both the intertextual and the “academic” sides of the book, and the poetic implications that follow from the book as a project that belongs to the contemporary setting of Peruvian and Latin American poetry. Our working hipothesis is that the book, in addition to be a legitimate contribution to the literary field of poetry, offers the reader a proposal and design of a consistent research on Peruvian society.
Peruvian poetry, rewriting, autonomy, poetic, political
Hernández Ojeda, B., & Chueca, L. F. (2020). Rewriting in procesos autónomos by Manuel Fernández: when poetry does social analysis. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (102), pp. 381–409. Retrieved from
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