At this point, when the breath of work of Alberto Blest Gana is unquestionably engrained within the context of XIX century hispanic-american narrative, we can no longer justify the dismissive approach that has been adopted with his earlier work, that which was composed from 1853 until 1859. The body of those novels, as it is true with the evident and fruitful contradiction that exists in all of the author’s writings, when read from the perspective of present times, seems to direct its prongs towards a predictive assumption of an evil global economic scheme, that exists deep within the guts of the social and political national apparatus. This essay hopes to bring to light a few of the many possible ways of reading into this flush production.
Alberto Blest Gana, 19th century, Chilean narrative
Hosiasson, L. J. (2020). Blest Gana: the inicial caleidoscope. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (102), pp. 139–162. Retrieved from
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