The interpretation of Memories by Carlos Prats grows difficult if we consider the scarcity of academic analysis on them. This complexity may be overcome by the orientation of the theory of narrative genres. Considering this theory as well as the support of some literary works by General Prats he was the author of a laureate short story it is possible to reach two key concepts in order to understand his work: “mythic history” and “epistemological recount”. We conclude that the Memories relate the formation and application of a unique concept of loyalty, which collides with other forms of loyalty and disloyalty, both political and military.
Carlos Prats, memories literary genre, Schneider-Prats doctrine, mythic military history, military loyalty
Neira, H., & Fierro, J. M. (2019). Loyalty and profession in the memoires of Carlos Prats. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (100), pp. 291–316. Retrieved from
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