El Apando y la puesta en crisis novelesca y fílmica de la racionalidad occidental como denuncia del sistema social


  • Darcie Doll Universidad de Chile


The article proposes that in the two versions of The Apando, both novel and film, a moment of crisis of the fundaments of rationality and its totalizing correlates are being displayed from different angles: the staging of the optic perspective of the geometral individual, the critic of de traditional discourse of the nation, and the approach of the prisoned confinement as an extension of the prison that the world is. Through diverse discursive strategies it is produced a subversion of realistic codes, in the frame of a denunciation of the oppression and the violence of the contemporary social system. The stories introduce us in to what will be, decades later, the representation of the drug trafficking world and the consequences of economic globalization in Latin America.


Latin-American cinema, Latin-American narrative, realism