Té, margarina y austeridad. Nicanor Parra en la postguerra inglesa


  • Niall Binns Universidad Complutense de Madrid


The article studies the impact on Nicanor Parra's poetry of the two years he spent in Oxford University between 1949 and 1951, in an era marked by the socio-economic repercussions of the Second World War, by the crisis in British identity provoked by the loss of international prominence and the dismantling of the Empire, and by the growing threat of the recently initiated Cold War. The analysis centres on "Preguntas a la hora del té", a text from the first section of Poemas y antipoemas (1954) which was apparently written in Oxford, and offers both a commentary on canonical readings and a new "English" interpretation of the poem.


Nicanor Parra, Poemas y antipoemas, Oxford, Rationing, Cold War