This article analyzes “Rotología del poroto” by Pablo de Rokha. Our contention states that the bean works as a multiple and complex metaphor, allowing the poetic voice to refer to the nation, the working-class subjects and the political project of the revolution. Each of these categories takes place in a production context marked by the presence of the hacienda and the Cold War scenario. Additionally, the article analyzes how the poem, at the time of enunciation by the speaker, builds a counterpoint between the Chile of yesterday and today to articulate a social protest speech in favor of the working-class subjects of the national community.
Pablo de Rokha, bean, metaphor, nation, the dispossessed, revolution
Barros Cruz, M. J. (2015). El poroto como metáfora de la nación, los sujetos populares y la revolución en “Rotología del poroto” de Pablo de Rokha. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (90). Retrieved from
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