In this article I propose a neo-baroque key reading of Néstor Perlongher’s and Antonio Silva’s poetics. I mean a writing of sexual, political and sublime violence to which the body, as an anatomic fiction, is subjected to. For this purpose, I will exploit the notion of “minoritary becoming” as the otherness’s critical verbalization space; and as such, as a territorial and political boundary from where is possible to question Power’s aesthetical-symbolic limits and hegemonic discourses of control over the bodies and sexualities.
neo-baroque writing, otherness, minoritary becoming, Néstor Perlongher,, Antonio Silva
Hernández O., B. (2015). El Devenir Minoritario como clave de lectura en las poéticas neobarrocas de Néstor Perlongher y Antonio Silva. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (89). Retrieved from
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