This research aims at analysing and interpreting the semiotic organization of names of the characters in the works by José Saramago, a recurrent theme in many of his fictional and autobiographic writings. A revision of his novels, stories, journals and autobiographic writings has been conducted, as well as some of his participations in forums and conferences. Once an inventory of the semiotics of given names -regarding their presence and absence- has been completed, the research turns, following Saramago's own suggestion, to the author as a source of interpretation. Finally, an interpretive hypothesis is offered to explain the diverse problematic of identity/anonymity through anthroponymic resources. This hypothesis follows the changes the author suffered in the constitution of his own civil identity.
Finol, J. E. (2014). Las semióticas del nombre: Identidad y anonimato en la obra de José Saramago. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (87). Retrieved from
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