Teillier’s poetry stands as a paradox bountiful in lessons. Seemingly simple at first sight, it hides considerable complexity. Also, Teillier was a born and pure lyricist, who unabashedly reivindicated the province and the small town, yet his lyricism reaches an unquestionable universality, at least in his best poems; he recreates in his work existence and coexistence, perception and memory, with echoes of both the Gospel and the social poetry. Finally, his generation as a whole presents a paradoxical aspect, as it is the most diverse and noteworthy, but remains insufficiently explored as such. These pages examine the complexities of Teillier’s work in depth, showing some of the polarities that underlie his poetry, and certain peculiarities hitherto unstudied, and conclude showing the relevance of applying the Edgar Morin’s epistemology of complexity.
Teillier, Latin American poetry, epistemology of complexity
Llanos Melussa, E. (2014). Teillier o la compleja sencillez poética. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (86). Retrieved from https://revistaliteratura.uchile.cl/index.php/RCL/article/view/31496
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