The place of the Auffassung within the dispute over the essence of fantasy: Husserl’s elaboration and self-criticism


  • Felipe Guerrero Cordero Universidad Alberto Hurtado


This paper addresses to expose in a synthetic way the place that has the scheme act/content of apprehension in the thematic of the essence of fantasy and its subsequent crisis. The question that leads us is the one that interrogates the limits of the act/content scheme. For this we will have three moments. In the first place you will have a clarification of the notion of apprehension [Auffassung] from the Logical Investigations. The second moment seeks to account for the role of apprehension on the road to elucidating the peculiar essence of fantasy [Phantasie] in the third part of the Hauptstücke aus der Phänomenologie und Theorie der Erkenntnis. The third and final objective is present what puts the act/content scheme in check and prepare the way towards understanding fantasy as an intentional modification.


intuition, fantasy, perception, aprehension, intentional modification

Author Biography

Felipe Guerrero Cordero, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Magistrando en Filosofía en la Universidad Alberto Hurtado (CONICYT-PFCHA / Magíster Nacional/ 2019 - 22190549), Santiago, Chile. Profesor y Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad de Playa Ancha, Valparaíso, Chile.