Vulnerability contexts on infancy/adolescence and onset of prostitution. Evidences for the Uruguayan’s case in the period of 2004-2014


  • Pablo Guerra Universidad de la República


In this article I explore the links between contexts of child vulnerability and onset of prostitution, with empirical evidence from a study based on interviews with188sex workers in Uruguay in 2014. I start from an effort of comparison to a similar study conducted in2004Among the conclusions that we present, we highlight a specific type of prostitution that Uruguay has increased in the past decade, that we called “late prostitution”(beginning with 25 years or more), with a different profile to child or young prostitution in the sense that there is less association vulnerabilities experienced in childhood with the events that trigger their entry into prostitution. Moreover, the study shows a high proportion held in the time of study (2004 - 2014)of child prostitution(less than 18 years old).


prostitution, sex work, child abuse, gender, Uruguay