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Education as a guaranty of equality or inequality in the modern society: observations from social systems theory


  • Julio Labraña Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María


The sociology of education is one of the oldest specialties on the sociological theory. Derived from the classic's annotations, there is an agreement between functionalist and critical theorists, including human capital which considers the education as a field where the relations of equality and inequality could be spread in the society. This article questions the assumption basing on the decrease of the previous relation among education, politic and employment.  The idea on this phenomenon is to use the society system theory because it offers an alternative in the introduction of the functional differentiation's concepts self-referential encoding and difference between inclusion and exclusion. Later on, it will be checking the investigations on the educational system based in these questions to conclude with indications derived of the investigation.


Educative System, Niklas Luhmann, Inequality, Inclusion, Exclusion

Author Biography

Julio Labraña, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Investigador Universidad Federico Santa María-Sede Concepción