The “funeral of the homeland”. Salvador Allende’s last impressions before the shipwreck



The two documents that are published allow a counterpoint to be made between the official information that the president of Chile, Salvador Allende, transmitted in the speech he gave during the great mass rally held by the supporters of the Popular Unity (the left-wing coalition in government), held on September 4, 1973 (doc. I), and the evaluation of this event, carried out the following day by Allende himself, before militants and leaders of his political coalition, according to the version (doc. II) sent to the agencies and authorities in Washington by the local office (Santiago) of the CIA. On the occasion, among other topics, the president said he believed that he would soon be overthrown by a coup d’état of the entire armed forces of the Republic. On this occasion, he expressed negative judgments of the people›s power, the capacity of the masses and the forces of the Popular Unity to stop the military insurrection, which was about to produce


Salvador Allende, Coup d’état, Armed Forces, Popular Unity

Author Biography

Eduardo Téllez Lúgaro, Universidad de Chile

Doctor en Historia, docente e investigador del Departamento de Ciencias Históricas de la Universidad de Chile e investigador asociado del Centro de Estudios Históricos de la Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins. Santiago, Chile. Correo electrónico: Declaración de autoría: Conceptualización/Investigación/ Redacción/Revisión y edición/curación de datos.


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