The article addresses the problem of landlocked Bolivia and proposes a solution based on the critical analysis of the current situation of hostility that has been built between Bolivia and Chile. The narrative constructed by nationalist historians of both countries is examined: it shows that historians had acted not as independent scholars but as lawyers in the service of the parties. We prove also that in the Pacific War, Bolivia and Chile were both aggressors countries and responsible for the war by invading foreign territory. It also appears that the right of Bolivia to the landlocked is based on the will of the founding fathers of the American republics, who served from humanistic values and solidarity. In this sense, we propose a new way, based on renouncing the nationalist and xenophobic discourse, to be replaced by a new environment based on the recovery of the founding values of emancipation.
sea to Bolivia, nationalism, xenophobia, Pacific War, relations Chile/Bolivia
Lacoste, P. (2016). The enclosure of Bolivia and the vision of the other: fresh look at the origins of the pacific war. Cuadernos De Historia, (43), pp. 109–132. Retrieved from