Entre-textos: la dimensión dialógica e intercultural del discurso poético mapuche


  • Mabel García Barrera Universidad de La Frontera


This paper deals with the present poetic Mapuche discourse in terms of how it exhibits adialogical perspective in a cross cultural transtextual procedure; it aims at establishing that this type of discourse stresses the western canon used as its support, including different types of language and uses its own cultural elements as well, that is, its own "canon"; by emphasizing the progressive location of an indigenous discourse, this discourse aims at cultural rescue and cultural resistance in terms of building its own textual system, anchored in territorial conceptions of what an indigenous discourse should be within a wider cultural context.

El presente trabajo forma parte del Proyecto FONDECYT N º1060359 “Discurso y Metadiscursos Mapuches: ¿Interculturalidad o Indigenidad?”, dirigido por el Dr. Hugo Carrasco Muñoz, donde participa como coinvestigadora la Dra. Verónica Contreras y la autora del artículo.


Mapuche poetry, cross cultural relationships, indigenous discourse, transtextuality.